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Rules and Procedures of ACECC Awards

Subcommittee on ACECC Awards 


Article 1:     The bylaws stipulated herein provide the rules for nomination of ACECC Award candidates and selection of awardees.

Article 2:     The concept for the Awarding shall conform to the ACECC Constitution and Bylaws.


Article 3:     Each of the ACECC member societies/institutions, whether it is located in Asia or in other regions, has equal eligibility for  making a nominee recommendation.


Article 4:     For selection of ACECC Award nominees and awardees, a Subcommittee on ACECC Awards shall be established by the ACECC Planning Committee and its responsibilities shall be determined as follows.

  • 1) The Subcommittee on ACECC Awards shall select ACECC recommended awardees from the nominees submitted by ACECC member societies/institutions.
  • 2) The Subcommittee on ACECC Awards shall report its selection of recommended awardees to the Planning Committee.
  • 3)   The decision of the Planning Committee shall be submitted to the Executive Committee of ACECC for ratification.

Article 5:     The Subcommittee on ACECC Awards shall be responsible to the Planning Committee and shall consist of no more than one representative from each ACECC member societies/institutions.

  • 1)  The subcommittee meetings on ACECC Awards shall be held at the time of the Planning Committee Meetings to make final voting.
  • 2) E-mail correspondences shall be allowed. The subcommittee may adopt a resolution on a certain agenda through electronic voting.

Article 6:     The Chair of the Subcommittee on ACECC Awards shall be chosen by the members of the subcommittee by simple majority vote.

  • 1) At the first Planning Committee Meeting after the CECAR, the Planning Committee accepts candidacy for the next chair from member societies/institutions. The next chair shall be selected by simple majority vote.
  • 2) The term of the chair of the subcommittee shall be until the first Planning Committee Meeting after the next CECAR.


Article 7:     ACECC Awards shall be presented to the following project(s) and person(s) that are admitted to be qualified for receiving the Awards.

  • 1) ACECC Civil Engineering Project Award(s)
  • 2) ACECC Civil Engineering Achievement Award(s)
  • 3) ACECC Technical Committee Activity Award
  • 4) ACECC Young Engineer Professional Achievement Award


Article 8:     The ACECC Civil Engineering Project Award(s) shall be granted to a project, the service of which to the public was started in the past three years, in principle, from the deadline day of the application for the Award previous time to that of the application for the Award present time, and is judged to have achieved a remarkable contribution to the advancement of civil engineering and development in Asia.

Article 9:     The ACECC Civil Engineering Project Award(s) will honor and recognize the efforts made by all those engineers who worked for the project. The person who is registered in the Nomination Form as the “Project Representative” shall receive the award on behalf of the project.


Article 10:     The ACECC Civil Engineering Achievement Award(s) shall be granted to a person belonging to a member society of ACECC who has demonstrated outstanding lifetime achievement, leadership, and a long-term commitment to excellence, benefitting and advancing civil engineering in Asia and internationally.


Article 11:     The ACECC Technical Committee Activity Award shall be granted to a Technical Committee which has shown exceptional leadership and professionalism in the activities of the TC and is judged to have achieved a remarkable contribution to the advancement of civil engineering development in Asia.


 Article 12:     The ACECC Young Engineer Professional Achievement Award shall be granted to members belonging to a member society or institution who are judged to have attained significant professional achievement and are aged 35 or below on December 31 of the year of the award.


Article 13:     Calling for ACECC Award nominees shall be announced within each economy at the discretion of the local ACECC member society/institution.

Article 14:     A member society/institution can nominate only one project and one person for the above first, second and fourth stipulated awards. Technical Committee Activity Award shall be self-recommended by Technical Committees which have been active for more than two years or terminated in the last three years.

Article 15:     The Letter of recommendation for the ACECC Civil Engineering Project Award(s) shall provide the information on

  • 1)   The outline of the nominated project,
  • 2)   The name of the project representative,
  • 3)   Reason for recommendation,
  • 4)   Photographs, and
  • 5)   Project reports or articles in journals or magazines, if any.

Article 15.2:     Reason for recommendation should be itemized into

  • a) Contribution to the advancement of civil engineering
  • b) Contribution to the region where the project was undertaken
  • c) How the project will have impact on or spread through the Asian region, and
  • d) Any other special remarks, if any.

Article 16:     The Letter of recommendation for the ACECC Civil Engineering Achievement Award(s) shall provide the information on

  • 1)   The nominee’s profile,
  • 2)   Reason for recommendation, and
  • 3)   Presented paper(s) authored or relevant projects managed by the nominee, if any.

Article 16.2:     Reason for recommendation should be itemized into

  • a) Contribution to the advancement of civil engineering
  • b) Contribution to international cooperation and support
  • c) Contribution to the Asian region or in ACECC member economies
  • d) Any other special remarks, if any.

Article 17:     The letter of recommendation for the ACECC Technical Committee Activity Award shall provide the information of the TC’s activity which contributed to achieving the purpose and objectives of ACECC.

Article 18:     The Letter of recommendation for the ACECC Young Engineer Professional Achievement Award shall provide the information on

  • 1)    The nominee’s profile.
  • 2)    Reason for recommendation, and
  • 3)    Presented paper(s) authored or relevant projects managed by the nominee, if any.

 Article 18.2:     Reason for recommendation should be itemized into

  • a)    Major Work-Related Achievement
  • b)    Contribution to the Civil engineering Profession
  • c)    Contribution of the Nominee’s service to the community in or for the Asian region.
  • d)    Contribution to the member society/ institution

Article 19:     A nomination must be made using the “Nomination Form” adopted by the Subcommittee for the purpose including a letter of recommendation for the nominated person or project from an ACECC member society/institution.

Article 20:     The Chair of the Subcommittee shall encourage communication among committee members by any means in the course of selection of the recommended awardees.

  • 1) The chair shall operate the subcommittee on ACECC Awards.
  • 2) The chair shall report the results of award voting through the Planning Committee Meeting to the Executive Committee Meeting for approval.
  • 3) The chair shall introduce the award winners at the time of the CECAR.
  • 4) In the absence of the chair, the subcommittee members shall choose among themselves the acting chair to act in the capacity of the chair.


Article 21:     The Subcommittee on Awards shall select recommended awardees in the following way and report the result to the Planning Committee for its approval to report to the Executive Committee. Voting may be by electronic communication without any requirement for attendance at a meeting.

Article 21.2:     Voting for ACECC Civil Engineering Project Award(s): Each member will consider and score each nominated project on the basis of the four criteria listed on the project awards voting form (1 to 100 points).

  • -Each member, based on the number of points scored, will rank each project on the form, from 1 to x (where x is the total number of projects nominated) with 1 being the highest ranked     project and x the lowest ranked project. 
  • -The Awards sub-committee chair will compile and total the ranking of each project by each member on the voting summary form. The highest ranked (corresponding to the lowest number) project will be selected to receive the “Outstanding Civil Engineering Project Award”.
  • -Up to five other projects, based on compilation of ranking, will be recommended for special mention and be eligible for the “Civil Engineering Project Award”, with the condition that out of the total of up to six projects awarded (including the Outstanding Civil Engineering Project Award) at least two projects are from nominations from high categories of ACECC membership and at least three projects are from the remaining ACECC members’ nominations (middle and low categories).

Article 21.3:     Voting for ACECC Civil Engineering Achievement Award(s): Each member will consider and score each nominee on the basis of the three criteria listed on the achievement awards voting form (1 to 100 points).

  • -Each member, based on the total number of points scored, will rank each nominee on the form from 1 to y (where y is the total number of people nominated) with 1 being the highest ranked nominee and y the lowest ranked nominee.
  • -The Awards sub-committee chair will compile and total the ranking of each nominee by each member on the voting summary form.
  • -Up to four highest ranked (corresponding to the lowest number) nominees with at least one nominee from high categories of ACECC membership and at least one nominee from the remaining ACECC members (middle and low categories) will be selected for the “ACECC Civil Engineering Achievement Awards”.

Article 21.4:     Voting for ACECC Technical Committee Activity Award: Each member will consider and rank each nominated Technical Committee from 1 to z (where z is the total number of TCs nominated), with 1 being the highest rank and z the lowest rank.

  • -The Awards sub-committee chair will compile and total the rankings of each nominated TC by each member on the voting summary form.
  • -The highest ranked (corresponding to the lowest number) TC will be selected to receive the “ACECC Technical Committee Activity Award”.

Article 21.5:     Voting for ACECC Young Engineer Professional Achievement Award: Each member will consider and score each nominee on the basis of the four criteria listed on the Young Engineer Professional Achievement awards voting form (1 to 100 points).

  • -Each member, based on the total number of points scored, will rank each nominee on the form from 1 to y (where y is the total number of people nominated) with 1 being the highest ranked nominee and y the lowest ranked nominee.
  • -The Awards sub-committee chair will compile and total the ranking of each nominee(s) by each member on the voting summary form.
  • -The highest ranked (corresponding to the lowest number) nominee will be selected for the “ACECC Young Engineer Professional Achievement Award”.

Article 21.6:     Endorsement Procedure: The Chair of the Subcommittee tallies the scores submitted by all subcommittee members and reports the ballot result to the Planning Committee Meeting held prior to the month of CECAR, for consideration.

Article 22:     The Executive Committee shall decide the awardees by majority vote.

Article 23:     As many as six awards of the ACECC Civil Engineering Project Award(s), four awards of the ACECC Civil Engineering Achievement Award(s), one Technical Committee Activity Award, and one ACECC Young Engineer Professional Achievement Award, may be granted at one commendation.

Article 24:     Commendation of ACECC Awards shall be conducted once every three years coinciding with the CECAR by presenting Award certificates and plaques to the awardees during that event.


Article 25:     The cost for the Award certificate and plaques shall be borne by ACECC.


Article 26:     These bylaws are subject to change by the decision of the Executive Committee.

Article 27:     All nominees for the ACECC Civil Engineering Project Award(s) shall agree that in the event that they are judged to be the recipient of an award they will provide to ACECC a DVD of the project highlights, for showing at the award ceremony, lasting approximately three minutes.

Нийтэлсэн: 2024-07-08

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